Achieve amicable solutions
and inner peace
Voice your value and maintain integrity
Create clear agreements that honor your relationships and goals
Some Common Issues Families Come To Us With:
I have disputes with my family over finances, budgeting, or inheritance
I am unable to reach amicable resolutions and establish
a clear agreement
I am experiencing family issues, marital concerns, or the inability
to care for a loved one
"My co-parent and I couldn't agree on the role of my new spouse. This created many fights and left the children in the middle. We both agreed to attend mediation in order to set new boundaries of how stepparents would fit in the kids' life and still respect each parent. We are in a much better place and everyone gets along at kid activities. Thank you for helping my family."
Peaceful resolutions that meet the needs of the family without damaging relationships.
Confidential and contractual agreements that ensure amicable relationships.
Convenient and timely collaborative decisions that ensure the well-being of each family member.
Every family is unique to their disagreements. And, while each family experiences various dynamics, each individual also brings their own PERSPECTIVE to the relationships within the family unit. When alignment is not achievable for the family members or couple, then an impasse may occur. During an impasse, it can be challenging to make vital DECISIONS as a family to achieve a healthy structure or dissolution agreement. At this time, family mediation may be the best SOLUTION for you and your family to ensure your privacy and a win-win outcome.
Align your focus with the solution, not the problem
Family Mediation Can
Help Resolve:
Reach a resolution to cultivate healthy, family relationships
Develop an amicable plan in the best interest of all parties
Establish boundaries and mutual agreements during separation or divorce
Create contractual agreements in terms of assets, finances, or allocation of funds
Provide a secure place to voice concerns with a third party present